Cambodian Flag During the Genocide

Cambodian Flag During the Genocide

Monday, 4 April 2011

Timeline : French Indochina

1) French, Spanish troops took Tourane (Da Nang)
2)France occupied, annexed Cochin China
3)France proclaimed a protectorate over Cambodia
4) Franco-Siamese Treaty; France recognized Battambang, Siem Reap
Provinces to be Siamese
5)French forces temporarily occupied Red River Delta, Hanoi
6)Sino-French War; French annexation of Annam, Tonkin
7) 1887
7) Cochin China, Cambodia, Annam and Tonkin formed French Indochina
8)Administration of French Indochina moved from Ministry of the Marine
to Ministry of Commerce
9)Decree defined authority of Governor-General
10) 1893
10)France forced Siam to recognize French (Vietnamese) sovereignty
over Laos
11)China granted concession at Kwangchowan to France
12)Indochina was made a political and financial unit
13)Ecole Française d'Extreme Orient founded at Saigon
14)Construction of the railroad line Haiphong-Yunnanfu (Kunming)
15)Siam ceded Vientiane to French Indochina
16) 1907
16)Franco-Siamese Treaty; Siam ceded provinces of Battambang, Siem Reap to French Indochina
17)Matsuoka-Henry-Pact; France agreed to the stationing of Japanese
troops in French Indochina
18)Franco-Thai War
19)France ceded Battambang, Siem Reap Prov., Vientiane to Thailand
20)The Japanese disarmed the French; Vietnam, Luang Prabang,
21)Cambodia declares "independence"
Japanese surrender; N Vietnam occupied by Nationalist Chinese,
S Vietnam by the British
22)French administration reestablished
23)French Indochina War
24 )1946
24)France returned concessions at Kwangchowan, Shanghai to China
25)Thailand ceded Battambang, Siem Reap, Vientiane to French
26)French defeat in Battle of Dien Bien Phu; Indochina dissolved,
Laos, Cambodia, N Vietnam and S Vietnam released into

Rebuilding the Temple: Cambodians in America

Rebuilding the Temple
In the 1970's, one out of every seven Cambodians died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, a communist guerilla army. The Khmer Rouge tried to annihilate everything Cambodians believed in: the family, dance, music, and their Buddhist religion. Facing death and devastation, 150,000 Cambodians fled to America. This one -hour documentary examines the refugees' efforts to adjust to Western life, and the significant role played by the Buddhist culture in this difficult process.

Soul Survivors

An amazing website detailing stories of surviving women and children of the Cambodian Genocide:
Soul Survivors

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Propaganda Posters

Propaganda is an effective tool used by anyone looking to spread a biased view. Our class will be creating propaganda posters that are FOR the Khmer Rouge. I know what you are thinking, ‘but they’re the bad guys!’ We know, but the skills learned in twisting the facts to convey a message of evil is a lot more challenging than simply taking the side of democracy and human rights. The hope is that students learn how individuals, groups, and politicians employ these tactics in our everyday life and learn that for every word that is said, there are ten more that aren’t. Playing on peoples emotions, ideals, and beliefs are an unfortunate truth in modern society and we need to be aware of how these messages are created so we are aware of when we are being manipulated. Here is the teachers exemplar: 

Students may choose to post their work with a reflection on the creation process and what they learned about propaganda to count towards their culminating activity.

The Killing Fields Trailer

Film about the Cambodian Genocide.

Art in a time of genocide by: David Steven

Survivor Recalls Horrors of Cambodia Genocide